Briefly in English

Tukilinja – a Magazine with a Mission

Tukilinja is a Finnish magazine focused on disability-issues. The magazine has been published since 1996. The publisher, Vammaisten koulutuksen ja työllistymisen tuki ry, is a private expert organisation. It grants approximately 46 500 euros (2022) monthly as benefits to people, who have a long-term health condition or impairment and who are in a difficult financial situation because of it.

Tukilinja is not just a magazine, but a magazine with a mission: it seeks to empower disabled people and support their active and independent lifestyle. It pursues this goal by two basic means: publishing a magazine and giving grants. The resources for the grants are acquired solely by the revenues of the Tukilinja-magazine. The aim of both the magazine and the grants is to help disabled people participate on equal footing in education, active life and employment.

You can support our mission by making a subscription of Tukilinja or making a donation. You can find the donation-section (Lahjoita) and the subscription-form (Tilauslomake)  on this website.

Need support?
You can also apply for a grant yourself, if you live in Finland, have a long-term illness or disability, and have financial difficulties due to your disability. There is no yearly timeline for applying a personal grant and the benefits are granted monthly. The financial support we can give to individuals ranges from 100 € to 4999 €. The average amount is 700 €. Community grants are often higher.

Since Tukilinja is a Finnish-speaking organisation, it is advisable to ask for support from a Finnish-speaking person when applying for a grant, but it is possible to send an application in English as well, if you can cope with the Finnish-speaking application-form (Hakulomake in Finnish) on this website.

You can send the application directly from the webpage after filling the form and uploading the necessary documents to the form digitally (as scanned pdf- or  jpg-pictures).

You can also make an application by posting a letter to us stating all the facts that we need to know in order to process your application. We also need copies of some official documents. These are:

– Documents of your financial status (a detailed tax document of your income and possessions)

– Document of your  health condition or impairment (a medical report or  a statement from a professional)

– Document concerning your work-status (child / student / pensioner / employment-situation).

Copies of these documents are sufficient for most grants. It is also advisable to include  recommendations to support your application. If further information or documents are needed, you will receive information about it.

Don´t forget to state your full name, social security number, mail address, telephone number and e-mail address in the application-letter or digital application-form.

After the necessary information has arrived to Tukilinja, the decision process will take 2–3 months. All applications are handled confidentially and the decision is sent by mail.

You will find more information about Tukilinja in the Finnish-speaking pages. You can also mail your questions in English to our grant-coordinators:
